Tuesday, January 5, 2010

What a gassy girl!

EY didn't quite like the rice cereal. She has not been swallowing it. She started to make her white beard again. I cut back on her rice cereal amount back to 1table spoon, which was enough for her to practice. She cried for milk often after the fifth to six spoonful. Why was she regressing? Don't know.

On the other hand, HY was surprisingly finishing her rice cereal well most of the time. There were a couple of times that she broke out in tears and screamed in the middle of the feeding and refused to finish. That was odd. I thought she liked the rice cereal. I gave her the bottle of milk instead. It happened again today while she was in a rhythm eating the rice cereal. I was scratching my head what could have triggered it. Her milk was not ready, still warming up. So, I picked her up and tried to calm her down, thinking half of the rice cereal was going to waste. While I was holding her, she was still fuzzy until she had a big burp. After the burp, she stopped crying. Ohh, it could be that she needed to burp. I thought they did not need to burp eating solid?! Guess what, she needed it. We resumed the rice cereal feeding and she happily accepted each spoonful of food! What a gassy girl?!

So, now I know, if she refuses the food, she needs to be burped. It doesn't matter it is the milk or the solid food. She is a gassy girl!

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