Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The new record in 6 months

Two nights ago was bad. HY woke up at 2:30am and was not able to fall back in asleep on her own. Hubby offered the pacifier but rejected by her. He couldn't get her quiet down. I was so tired that I was going to sleep through the cry. Well, I got kicked a couple of times signaling me to help. I got out of bed and checked on this loud crying baby. She was quite awake. She seemed to be hungry. Well, milk would always put them to sleep. I made her a small bottle and fed her. As expected, she felt in asleep after finished the bottle. 45 minutes later, we both went back to bed.

4am, EY woke up and cried. We both too tired to get up, thinking she would fall back in asleep. Well, bad idea, EY's cry woke HY up. Now, we had two crying babies, we had to do something about it. Hubby put the pacifiers in their mouths and they were sucking away with it. Great, back to sleep. Ten minutes later, both crying again. Their pacifiers were out of their mouths. One was holding it in her finger and not able to put back into her mouth. The other one was sucking too hard and spitted it out instead. Well, then, I got up and reinserted pacifiers, praying that they would sleep till morning.

Nope! EY broke out into crying again. HY was sleeping. I immediately got up and took EY to the living room. Didn't want to make the same mistake - allowing one crying baby to awake the other sleeping baby. I made EY a small bottle and fed this hungry baby. Finally EY went to bed again. In my head, I was like please not to wake up until 7am.

The girls were really tested us. Two more times they woke up after than. Hubby had to walk one of them back to sleep and let the pacifier do the job for the other baby.

Total, we were waken up EIGHT times! By the time it was morning 7am, they were up and crying for food again. Ohh mine, that was the record in 6 months.

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