Saturday, December 26, 2009

wanted more!

Because of the holidays, our girls eating solid practice sessions have been interrupted for two days. WY told me that the girls were hungry every 2.5 hours this morning instead of 3 hours. I was thinking to myself that they might be ready for rice cereal again. So tonight at the 7pm meal, I prepared one table spoon of rice cereal with formula for the girls. Yeah, that was plenty for them to practice with usually.

I started with EY. After spooned her the rice cereal, she closed her mouth and moved her lids as if she was chewing something. After a few seconds, she opened her mouth and was ready for more. Hey, she didn't spit out the food this time. I spooned her some more and she "chew" and "chew" and she was able to swallow the food. HY was watching EY the whole time. Finally, after the 5th spoon went into EY's mouth, HY protested. I quickly spooned some into HY's mouths and she was sucking the spoon and used her tongue to get the food off the spoon. Wow, that was new. HY was a fast eater. I had to keep on spooning food to her and she dived for the spoon as usual. Now, EY was watching and she wanted some food, too. She cried and jumped up and down inside the excer-saucer. Before I could give EY some more, the bowl was empty. Now, I had two hungry babies crying for more food. I ran to the kitchen and made some more rice cereal. Luckily that I had prepared the formula so I just needed to mix it. I thought well they probably could eat one more around and they would not want more. That was wrong! Five minutes into the second serving, they finished the rice cereal and HY even tried to grab the bowl. I rushed to the kitchen again and made double the amount for them. They ate faster than I could spoon to them and they were getting very very inpatient with me. So, they both started to cry. When they cry, they could not swallow and the food just kept on coming back out. All right all right, they wanted their milk. Here you go, girls, the bottle of milk!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Good job! Oh they sound so cute. I miss them so much!
