Saturday, December 26, 2009

White beard is growing

After the first two attempts on the rice cereal, they were willing to open their mouths for the colorful spoon but they ended up with white beard on the entire chin and somewere on the cheeks. They were quite good at pushing the rice cereal back out with their tongue. I was not fast enough to spoon it off their chin so I just let the white beard grow until it almost reached the bib then I quickly spooned off a big chunk of it. The girls sat in the excer-saucers when I fed them rice cereal. It was funny that even though they didn't swallow it, they wanted me to spoon it to their mouth. They seemed to want it and wanted it badly. They would lean forward at the excer-saucers and watch the spoon to move towards them, then, they dived for it, as if they were starving for hours. Then they spit it out to make themselves the white beard. Then, they wanted more. Sometimes they would scream at me because I was not able to spoon them the food at the same time. Once the food arrived, they moved their little tongues in and out to try to move the food onto their tongues and pushed it out. I thought they wanted to move the food back to their throat to swallow the food but they had not learned how to do so with their tongues. So, they usually got very inpatient because the fact that no food got in their stomach but they knew they were eating. After five to ten minutes of practice, I had to feed them them the bottle of milk so that they would not start screaming at me. Ohh yeah, they would make their point across! It has been almost two weeks since we first try. I had a feeling that they would start swallow the rice cereal soon :-)

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