Monday, August 2, 2010

Practice standing

Our girls have been practicing standing on their own without support. They usually did that without noticing themselves. They would be standing by the car or busy zoo then they got busy with grabbing new toys, they let go of the car or the busy zoo. They were standing for a few minutes then they realized they were free standing. They would hurry to sit back down before they lost balance.

Sometimes we tried to encourage them to stand on their own by letting go of their little hands. HY would stand straight with her head slightly up with a big smile. You could tell she was proud of herself about the standing without help. After 15 seconds of so, she would stick her butt back to land on the floor then she looked at us for cheers. Of course we gave her another round of cheering. EY would stand and rotate her upper body around as if she was dancing. She would also wave her arms in the air and had a big big smile on her face - her classic smile, wrinkle the nose, open her mouth as wide as it could be! She usually got so excited and forgot to balance herself and felt forward into my arms. How funny!

It was just matter of days that these girls would be walking!

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