Tuesday, August 24, 2010

EY did it too!

After HY's exciting walking practice yesterday, Gong gong was determined to get EY to do it also. But EY enjoyed walking with help all day and would not let go. Gong gong gave up. It took a while for HY to warm up and finally at noon time she decided to practice again. HY pushed herself up from the floor, balanced, then, a small step forward, another step, one more, and more... She took off and walked all the way to the other side of the room. Both me and my dad were cheering her up of course.

EY saw how HY did it and she got excited as well. She pushed herself up just like HY and started to walk. She followed HY and kept on going. We cheered even louder. EY got so happy and proud of herself, she kept on giggling as she walked. After about 15 steps, she landed on her butt then she turned around with a big smile. I rushed over to give her big hugs and kisses. EY did it too! Wow, I was so proud of my girls. They started walking!

Since then, we found two little people walking around the house. They all of a sudden seemed taller. I still found it strange to see them walk. I was so used to them crawling around. They only crawled if they wanted to be picked up or when they were fuzzy. Otherwise, they seemed to prefer walking :-)

Monday, August 23, 2010

45 steps forward

My dad helped the girls to practice walking every time he came over to baby sit the girls. It was fun to hear gong-gong cheering the girls on. Gong gong could count out loud "one, two, three" in Chinese for the girls if they tried to take a step forward.

Last week I heard my dad counting and the numbers were in 20s. I was curious whether he was counting as the girls walked. I went over and HY was walking and Gong gong was counting for her. Wow, 31, 32, ..40, wow, I had my mouth wide open and same as HY who was excited and proud of herself. 43, 44, 45! HY finally lost her balance and landed on her butt. We were all so excited for her and her accomplishment. We gave her a big big hug and many kisses on her cheek. She knew she did a good job also because you could see her proud smile on her face and her eyes were lit up! Good job, HY! You did 45 steps forward on your own!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Sleeping poses

Back then when the girls were still in my tummy, the ultrasound pictures showed HY sucking her thumb and EY facing down. In those pictures, HY showed a big cheek and round forehead. We could never take a glance at EY's face because she was always sleeping on her tummy and buried her head in my uterus muscles. The way they were positioned didn't change since month 4th of my pregnancy and at the end, they still maintained the same position. Not enough room to rotate at all, I imagined. Well, I thought that has affected their head shapes. HY got plenty of room on the top and EY liked to squeeze her head into my muscles. So, HY got a pretty round and long head and EY got flat head. Though the ped doc might say that was because how they slept. However, I thought differently. The way they slept was determined by how their head shapes were and how they positioned their heads comfortably.

Guess how they sleep now. HY sucks her thumb to fall in asleep and EY sleeps on her stomach and landed on one side of her cheeks. How funny! They looked exactly like how they were in my tummy! Love it!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

more walking practice

We have been practicing walking by holding both of their hands or they pushed the cars with both hands. Today I made HY practice walking only allowing her to grab onto my finger with one hand. At first, she was scared and wanted to grab my other hand. I encouraged her to try and she wiggled her body a bit to gain balance and went ahead to walk. Wow, I was surprised how ready she was. She started a bit slow but quickly she got the rhythm down, left foot, right foot, left, then right... She did ready well and I was impressed. She failed a couple of times when she walked a bit too fast and landed forward on my tummy. She complaint a bit then got back up to continue. She seemed to enjoy this way of walking very much. Love to see the big smile that she was giving herself.

Of course EY had to go through the same training, hehe. She was always excited with new things that we made her do. As usually, after she walked a couple of steps with one hand holding, she thought it was so fun and she started to dance by swinging her body and butt to the left and right and quickly she lost balance. She sat back onto her butt and got distracted by the little wooden duck on the side and decided to go get the duck instead. I guessed we had to try some more later :-P

Monday, August 2, 2010

HY's first step

Yesterday we took the girls to nursery during Sunday service the very first time. WY attended the service and I stayed with the girls.

There were other kids around playing. It took them sometime to warm up. As usual, HY was the one started to play with the toys and crawled towards other kids. After seeing HY playing, EY let go of my jacket which she was holding tightly in her fists.

The other kids were all older and they were able to walk. HY kept on watching the girl who was just 6 months older than her. That little girl walked around HY and then walked away but kept on looking at HY and EY.

I asked HY whether she wanted to practice walking since there was carpet. HY stood up holding onto my hands and started to walk. She walked well holding my hands. Then, I gently pushed her little fingers away and see whether she could walk forward. It happened so fast that she couldn't stop her pace while her hands were free in the air. "one, two!" She did it! Quickly, she got hold of my hands and laughed!

Practice standing

Our girls have been practicing standing on their own without support. They usually did that without noticing themselves. They would be standing by the car or busy zoo then they got busy with grabbing new toys, they let go of the car or the busy zoo. They were standing for a few minutes then they realized they were free standing. They would hurry to sit back down before they lost balance.

Sometimes we tried to encourage them to stand on their own by letting go of their little hands. HY would stand straight with her head slightly up with a big smile. You could tell she was proud of herself about the standing without help. After 15 seconds of so, she would stick her butt back to land on the floor then she looked at us for cheers. Of course we gave her another round of cheering. EY would stand and rotate her upper body around as if she was dancing. She would also wave her arms in the air and had a big big smile on her face - her classic smile, wrinkle the nose, open her mouth as wide as it could be! She usually got so excited and forgot to balance herself and felt forward into my arms. How funny!

It was just matter of days that these girls would be walking!