Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Mama, ma ma, ma, ma...

At night, EY often woke up at her crawling position and cried "eh,eh, eh..." and we would wait for a few minutes to see whether she could fall back in asleep on her own. If not, before she raised the volume of her cry, one of us would get up and comfort her to get her go back to sleep. If she didn't cry too loud and sounded tired, good chance that she could fall back into sleep. Lately, we tried to encourage her to sooth herself back to sleep and without waking HY.

Last night, waken up from my dream, I clearly heard EY calling me "Mama, ma, ma, ma, ma...". I was going to wait to see whether she could go back to sleep. When she kept on crying out saying "ma, ma, ma..." and I was not able to resist her calling and got up right away. Did she learn that I am mama and WY is baba? WY didn't get up because EY was calling "mama". Man, she really got me.

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