Saturday, May 22, 2010

The girls' favorite book

In My Den is the girls' favorite book. It goes " In my den I roll in soft, warm earth, I put down leaves and pinecones, I look outside for twigs, then I curl up on my cozy bed...with my family!"

Don't know why the girls love it so much. Maybe because of there was a clothe bear in the book and they loved to pull on it. It fitted into their little fists perfectly. Every time they were fuzzy and we couldn't calm them down, we took out the book and read to them with exciting, dramatic and high pitch voice, they would get quiet and sat down to listen. Once we got to the last page where the bear was at, they would launch an attack to the bear. Specially EY, she got so excited that she would breath so hard and loud like a poppy begging for a bone :-P

WY usually did a better job reading the book because he was more animated and the girls just love it. He usually had to read three times to satisfy the two little audience.

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