Wednesday, May 26, 2010

4 people in one Queen size bed

I could not imagine how four of us fit into this little queen size bed. By 4am, EY got her leg on top of HY's face! Half an hour later, EY got her big head hammer onto my eye, ouch! After that, she tried to grab HY's face. I was up every 20 minutes or so to make sure my comforter was not on the girls.

Didn't I say no babies in my bed before they came out of me?
Didn't I say I would sleep train them?
Didn't I say...?
Didn't I seem to be a tough mom who could handle the sleep training?
Didn't I.........?

Everything is out of the window. When they woke up at night, they stood up and shake the crib so hard that we were afraid that they would break the crib and jumped off the crib. We didn't want one of them woke up the other one then both of us had to get up. We were too tired to hold them to walk them back to sleep. So, we put them between us and they fell in asleep right away usually. Now what? I don't know.

Didn't I say no babies in my bed? I didn't know how4 people could possibly fit in our little queen size bed. Well, now I know :-(

One benefit: their little precious faces are so cute and you just could not resist!

La la lalala

The girls have been babbling a lot now a days. One of their new words is "la, la, la". I always sang them the Lullaby song but I forgot the lyrics. So, I sang the whole song with just "la, la, la" in the Lullaby melody. The girls picked up that word and sometimes they could start talking and the whole sentence was composed of one word - La, la, la lala.

There was one time WY caught EY started to say "la lala, lala la" when the music turned on. He was so excited and told me that EY was singing. She looked like she was singing with her hands waving, except she only made one tone out of the Lala lala lalalala... monotone, hehe. That was so cute though :-)

Monday, May 24, 2010

shopping cart

We have been very busy with shopping stuff for the new place these two weeks. We had to take the girls everywhere we went. They didn't like their car seats no more. They screamed their lungs out every time we put them in the car seats. HY even arched her back so hard that I could not put seat belt on her. I had to wait for two to three minutes until she got tired of arching then took a seat then I could bugle her down. As soon as the car engine was stopped, they would start to cry and push the seat belt to try to escape. We could not use the double stroller with the car seats lately because they protested badly. Well, holding them would be tough to shop as well. We finally broke down and let them sit in the front of the shopping cart.

Surprisingly, they really enjoyed it. We had to use two shopping cart and at times when WY had to go to look for something, I had to push to empty shopping carts with two babies on it. It was very funny. Well, they did well. One day we spent 6 hours in the mall and they had their milk, solid and milk again on the shopping carts. WY said why would people bring stroller when the shopping cart worked so well. I told him that not every kid liked to sit on the shopping cart and not every mom liked to push the shopping cart across the mall like a stroller. When we tried to eat lunch at TK noodle in the mall, they refused to let us to take the shopping carts into the restaurant despite the fact that they only had one high chair for us. Well, we ended up eating in the food court instead, yes, with babies sitting on the Sears shopping carts . Apparently, we were the only people pushing babies with the sears shopping cart cruising the entire mall. Hahaha. We felt fine with it. It was quite convenient. As long as the girls still enjoy the shopping carts, we would do it again!

High Chair time!

Five months ago, we attempted to get the girls to sit on the high chairs to eat. Well, they didn't seem to like it and they ended up scream at us and we changed to sitting on the sofa or exersaucer at feeding time. We were supposed to get them to learn to feed themselves with hands two months ago but it would be so much to clean so we just delayed the training. Now, seeing the girls putting every toy in their mouths, I figure they are ready for the "training".

We gave the high chair another try. This time around, we lowered the chair to the lowest setting and put the feeding trays on. As usual, they loved banging on any surface. The tray was perfect for the bang bang bang. We fed them only solid on the high chair.

After each meal, we put the puff pieces on their trays one at a time to let them learn to feed themselves. They recognized the puff pieces so they immediately grabbed it with their hands. They used to grab the piece and rolled it into the middle of their hand. Then, they stuck the whole hand in their mouth to try to eat the piece. It was very hilarious when they tried very hard to eat the piece but ended up just licking their own fist. The puff piece was still stuck in the middle of the fist. They would get frustrated because they knew they were not tasting the puff. I would try to help them if I could to move the piece out of their hand into their mouth after they did a few attempts.

Now, they tried to use two fingers to pick up the puff, then quickly smashed it onto their mouths. Fifty percent of their attempts were good. They got the puff into their mouths and we gave them a cheer to encourage them to repeat the successful act. Fifty percent of the time they still rolled the puff piece into the middle of their palms and not able to dislodge it into their mouth. Often they didn't realize where the puff was. They didn't bother to look for it or check their hands. Even though the puff was still in their hands, they couldn't feel it, I guess. They thought they lost it so they banged onto the tray for more. I didn't want to let the puff fall onto the ground and go to waste, so, I picked it up from their hand and put it back onto the tray to allow them to try again. They were also amazed that I got them a "new" piece without reaching to the can. Mama's magic!

Today we let them try picking up rice and little noodle pieces and that was not a good idea. The rice and noodles ended up off the tray, on the floor sticking to their bibs and fingers and pants. Messy, messy messy! It was just easier to just feed them. But, they have to learn. Man, I guess I have a lot of cleaning up to do!

HY is teething

Yeah, we see some signs of HY's teeth coming out. Started two weeks ago, HY drooled so much that we had to change her bibs frequently because she would get it soaking wet in 2 hours. Last week, there was a white spot on the lower gum and now it started to become more like a white line. There was another right spot started to show. Right in the middle of the lower gum, a crease started to form. wow, I think HY is teething. Can't wait to see those white little teeth to sprout out.

EY started to drool like HY this week. So, hopefully her teeth would come out soon. Yes, I will get the camera ready to catch those little teeth when they are out!

grandma and the girls were loving it!

grandma finally arrived this afternoon and she was so excited to see her grand daughters. It only took 5 minutes for HY and EY to warm up to her. After feeding the girls, I had to fold all the laundry on our bed. So, grandma helped to entertain both girls. She had one girl on each of her thigh, sitting on a plastic stool in front of the window, allowing the girls to look out the windows. The girls loved to look out the windows. They were giggling and banging both hands onto the ledge as they were playing drums. Grandma and the girls were loving it! All I could hear was laughters :-)

Saturday, May 22, 2010

kiss the mirror

Lately the girls spurred up their interest in mirrors again. They would crawl towards the mirror and sat there to play. They would stare at themselves and talk to the little person in their. Not sure that they know the little person was themselves. Today, EY started to talk to her image at first, then, she started to kiss her own image of the mirror. She made such an interesting noise when she did that and I couldn't help looking over and wondered what she was up to. I got next to her and asked her to kiss me and she smiled but then turned back to the mirror and started to breath her warm breath to make the mirror foggy. Then, her little tongue stuck out and saliva was all over the surface of the mirror. OK, I had enough of observation and time to interfere. End of the scene.

The girls' favorite book

In My Den is the girls' favorite book. It goes " In my den I roll in soft, warm earth, I put down leaves and pinecones, I look outside for twigs, then I curl up on my cozy bed...with my family!"

Don't know why the girls love it so much. Maybe because of there was a clothe bear in the book and they loved to pull on it. It fitted into their little fists perfectly. Every time they were fuzzy and we couldn't calm them down, we took out the book and read to them with exciting, dramatic and high pitch voice, they would get quiet and sat down to listen. Once we got to the last page where the bear was at, they would launch an attack to the bear. Specially EY, she got so excited that she would breath so hard and loud like a poppy begging for a bone :-P

WY usually did a better job reading the book because he was more animated and the girls just love it. He usually had to read three times to satisfy the two little audience.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

sound effects and fun speeches

Our girls definitely discovered their own voices and how effective they could be by screaming or crying. Sometimes my ears really hurt when they were doing their duvets. Their separation anxiety showed no signs of improving. It seemed to be 5 feet was their limit in terms how far we could be away from them. If one of them discovered me or WY walked away, she would start crying, loud and high pitch cries, with frequent coughing sound in between, indicated that they were crying so hard that they were not able to catch their breath. The other one didn't need to spot where we were and how far we have gone, she automatically joined the "singing" to double the intensity and volume of the cries. This strong sound effects certainly shorten WY and mine restroom break because if they started the cry, it would take some effort to calm them back down.

HY has been blabling her way all day and I thought that she already picked up my trait - talking to oneself. After each meal, that was HY's self discussion session. It was funny to listen and watch. She was talking continuously with a quite serious expression on her face. She usually had a toy in her hand while she talked. She didn't seem to bother to engage her sister in her speech because often time her sister would adventure out somewhere else in the house. As she talked, she would look up at me at times and I would agree with whatever she was talking about and nodded my head. Then, she nodded as well and continued with her fun speech.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

HY is sick

HY is sick. She has been throwing up since 3pm today. She was hungry but her stomach was not tolerating any food, no milk, no solid, not even pedialyte this afternoon and evening.

We let her ate one bite of banana and that was the reaction her stomach was giving. No more banana for HY from now on. My fault. It happened to her before and I was thinking she was too young then and now she might be able to tolerate it. After one bite of it, she gagged and we stopped giving her more. But, one bite was enough to get her stomach upset and poor girl is suffering. She wanted to play but she was too tired and had no energy. She just rested in my arms and watched sister play. Finally she felt in asleep.

Jesus I pray that you will put your healing hands on HY and heal her quickly and my active little bird will become energetic again when she wakes up in the morning. Please help her to keep the food down and regain her strength. Thank you Jesus! In Jesus name I pray, AMEN!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Mama, ma ma, ma, ma...

At night, EY often woke up at her crawling position and cried "eh,eh, eh..." and we would wait for a few minutes to see whether she could fall back in asleep on her own. If not, before she raised the volume of her cry, one of us would get up and comfort her to get her go back to sleep. If she didn't cry too loud and sounded tired, good chance that she could fall back into sleep. Lately, we tried to encourage her to sooth herself back to sleep and without waking HY.

Last night, waken up from my dream, I clearly heard EY calling me "Mama, ma, ma, ma, ma...". I was going to wait to see whether she could go back to sleep. When she kept on crying out saying "ma, ma, ma..." and I was not able to resist her calling and got up right away. Did she learn that I am mama and WY is baba? WY didn't get up because EY was calling "mama". Man, she really got me.

hand stand practice

EY has done her handstand practice for two days now. She usually did it with the assistant of some interesting "tools".

First practice scene. I arrived after hearing EY's few sharp screaming "ah, ah, ah, ah..." it was consisting off short but high pitch vocalization which usually meant that she was in trouble. EY managed to rotate the carseat 90 degrees and dived into it. She was doing her hand stand in the car seat: hands pushing down onto the bottle of the car seat, trying to avoid her face landing on her own hand and her legs successfully hanging in the air. She tried to let go of one hand to flap in the air hoping to regain balance and got back onto her foot. Failed. Well, I rushed over and pulled her out of the car seat and she was a bit shocked still by her own act.

Second practice scene. WY and I arrived also after EY's calling of help "ah, ah, ah, ah..." with a shaking voice this time. EY this time chose the stool to practice the hand stand. There was a horizontal wood piece between the legs of the stool. Somehow EY managed to dive her body above that wood between the legs of the stool and landed her hands on the floor with her waist supported by the horizontal wood piece and her legs in the air with pointed toes. Her face was read and she was trapped. WY and I laughed as we carefully extracted her out of the wood cage where she was hanging upside down. Guess what, after she came out of it, she was smiling! I asked her what was so funny and she just gave me a big blink to thank us for the rescuing.

Third scene. EY tried to push over the boxes that we used to block off the kitchen entrance. Instead, she bended over so much that she lost balance and got her feet hanging in the air and hands in the air with her tummy pressing onto the boxes. That happened right in front of my eyes so I stopped her continuation of possible dangerous hand stand act.

What do you think? She will be good for gymnastic in the future since she is finding ways to practice hand stand now :-P

Monday, May 10, 2010

it was a funny ending

Here was the scene:
HY was playing with my cell phone on one side of the sofa. EY's attention was caught by the beep beep sound of the cell phone. EY crawled over to reach for the phone with no fear. HY raised phone over her head, passed it to the other hand, dropped it back down then lifted it up again. She got very good at avoiding EY's grabbing attacks. At the same time, she "ahh-- ahh!" at EY. EY could only use one hand to try to get the phone so she was not as fast as HY. After a few unsuccessful attempts, EY decided to sit down right in front of HY and used both of the hands - one to block HY's receiving hand, and the other one to reach for the phone. This time, she got to the phone fast. Once she got a hold of the phone, she pulled it out of HY's hand - she was that strong, ohh yeah!

During the whole time, HY was tensed and frustrated. EY was happy that she succeeded. She flipped the phone back and couldn't hold her giggling in. I couldn't hold my laughs any neither because they were just fun to watch. I laughed with EY. HY heard both of us laughing, so, she laughed, too. She forgot that she lost the phone and she thought it must be funny because mama and sister were both laughing. I just cracked up by HY. She was so cute. She was laughing after losing her toy! Babies, happy babies!

cruising progress

Both girls were able to cruise holding onto something. EY was very efficient with her cruising from this side of the room to the other side alone the sofa. HY was a bit slower but she could do it if she liked to. They both master a new trick while they were cruising. They were able to bend down to retrieve an object on the floor while one hand was holding onto the sofa or a chair. At first they would dangle their hands and stick out their butt to see whether they could reach it. If they could not, then, they would bend their knees a bit and curve their waist to the side to grab the target. They had to work on how to avoid pushing on each other if one needed to pass the other. I usually would hear HY crying while EY nearly pushed HY off the support structure. HY would be fighting to keep herself in balance with one hand holding on and the other hand trying to block EY. I guess crawling on the floor to pass sister was not an option for EY yet. Or, they just liked to push and got physical with each other. Or, it was part of fun :-)


I was on my computer checking my e-mails and all of a sudden I was interrupted by the back and forth "ah!" "ah!" by these two babies. They were sitting face to face on the floor. In HY's hand, there were her favorite cups pressed onto her body. HY was leaning forward staring straight into EY's eyes. There she went "ah!" - sharp, short, loud and high pitch. Her mouth was slightly open with the lips tense up as if there were teeth and the teeth would be tightly clenched. Here went EY "ah!" back at HY - sharp, high pitch as well but slightly longer sound and ended a bit deep. EY was in a ready to attack posture with her legs half in the air.

Have you ever seen the "Whale rider" movie? Part of the training the young boys had to learn was to stick out their tongue at the same time making a loud noise to scream off their enemy. The girls reminded me about that. HY was trying to scare off EY when she saw EY about to take her toys. It did work. EY didn't make her move but instead she "ah" HY back. They went on with the "ah, ah, ah" for at least 2 minutes. It was hilarious to see the facial expression of the girls. They were serious and tense! They were just babies and they knew how to try to threaten the component. "Ah!" - the special defense.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

HY is crawling forward!!!!!!

Yes, it has been a while since EY could explore the room on her own and leaving sister HY sitting alone and watched. HY was always teased by grandparents on not trying to crawl and crying for help instead. It was always a funny picture that EY would crawl around HY to search for HY's toy and then take off to her other adventure. Both of them would cry for different reasons. HY would cry for help to get to where sister was and EY would cry because she failed or hurt herself.

Well, today, HY tried to change from sitting to crawling position to get to her blue cup. She was able to reach in her semi-crawling position. She was able to get on her all four to reach out. I was wondering whether she could actually crawl if she had to. So, I took HY's blue cup from her hand and placed it further away from her. At first she tried to reach and she was still short about 10 inches. She looked at me to see whether I was going to help her. I sat back and told her that she could get it herself. I turned to look at sister instead. HY carefully, slowly got on her all four, then, crawled forward with one leg pushing only. Two steps of crawling, she was able to reach the blue cup. The leg she was not using to push was still bent in away that she could sit her butt onto it to help her change back to sitting position. I was so thrilled. I gave her a big kiss and clapped to cheer her up. She knew she did well. She smile, very big one.

Of course, I wanted to make sure that was not by luck, haha. I repeated the act of placing her blue cup away from her. Yes, she did it again! I jumped up and downs after that. Haha, I wanted her to practice more, so, again, I took the blue cup from her. This time, she screamed at as if she was saying what's wrong with you, mama, give me the blue cup back. I am not going to sweat my back off to crawl to get it back. You took it from me so give it back to me. At first I was like "HY, try again, you need to practice." but she gave me a very very mad look and screamed sharply, not crying, so, I gave her the blue cup back and gave her a break.

But you know what, she was playing with the blue cup and she decided to practice her throwing object technique, then, she threw her blue cup away. Well, in order to get it, she ended up crawling again to get her blue cup back.

I think she is really attached to the blue cup now. I may need to buy one set of cups just in case if we loss this one and we'll have a back-up.

Anyway, HY is crawling forward and mama is so so excited for her!