Tuesday, April 13, 2010

mobile babies

This week, HY was finally willing to be on her tummy and rolled around at times to reach her favorite toys. We spread out the toys around so that the girls would be motivated to crawl. HY used to be very content with the toy in front of her. Lately, she noticed the other "toys" like the swing, the pack N play, the sofa, the chair, the remote controls, the car seats and she moved out of her comfort zone to explore. I was happy to see her able to get into her crawling position from sitting up pose without falling. She started to get in the trouble of being stuck underneath the sofa because she started to crawl backwards like EY.

EY mastered her crawling backwards and rolling around. She was efficient with those two ways of her mobility. She was strong enough to push up her body above the floor with her arms and legs. That was a sign that she might be ready to crawl forward! She liked the TV remote control a lot, not any remote controls, just the TV one. I put that in front of her where she could not reach without crawling 4-5 steps. She looked at the remote and pushed up her body and one hand forward, one leg forward, then, the body, then the other hand, finally, the last leg! She crawled one step. She was doing it slowly and trembled a bit at the last push. But, she did it. She was not distracted by the first step of sucess, she kept on going and pushed forward! After three moves, she dived herself onto the floor towards the remote and reach her hand out. YES! She got it! My dad and I were watching and we gave her a big applause for that. Next, I made her repeat the act and recorded it with the camera for WY. Yeah, good job EY!

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