Monday, April 26, 2010

4am practice session

Did I share that EY and HY both could pulled themselves up holding onto something? Yes, EY got some excited about her new accomplishment and she explored every standing thing to see whether she could hold onto to pull up to stand. Her favorite was the crib. She could get up in 5 seconds from lying down to standing up in the crib. Well, my less favorite part was that she liked to practice her standing and crawling in the crib at bedtime and at 4am or 5am in the morning. It was hard to get her to fall in asleep in the crib. I had to leave her in our bed where she could not crawl because of the bedding and could not stand up because of nothing to hold onto. After a few minutes battling to crawl or stand, she got tired and started to flip then I transferred her back to her crib to continue dosing off. But, the 4-5 am session was hard. We couldn't calm this active player to go back to sleep. One day I gave up wrestling her down to bed to sleep. Instead, I stood there for 1 hour to watch her doing her crawling, climbing, pulling, standing and laughing. She was quite excited and proud of herself. Finally, she got tired and let go of the crib to rub her eyes. I helped her to get down and she fell in asleep in 5 seconds.

HY has been trying to pull herself up more and more. She had relatively safer approach than EY. She tried and if she couldn't, then, she sat back down and tried later. She got very good at kneeling. HY soon will be like sister practicing her new techniques and then they both play at 4am. Not looking forward the 4am standing in the crib session.

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