Tuesday, February 23, 2010

What is that?

Our girls became very curious about everything. They tried to grab anything is near them, such as each others bibs, sister's head and clothes, sister's feet, mama's legs, mama's toes, dada's pants, mama's hair specially. They also paid very strong interest in what WY and I ate. At first they would just stared at the food. We would explained to them what it was. When there was no sign that we were going to let them have a bite, they tried to escape our arms to attack the food with their own little hands. You could see the eager and determination in their eyes. They couldn't wait to eat the real food, I guess. Or, they just wanted to play with it. Who knows what?! It was just fun to see them stopping playing with their toy and turned to us and observed how we ate and tried to have a grab of it.

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