Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The New Toy - Soft book

The girls must be teething -- they have been biting on everything, toys, fingers (theirs and mine), pillows, blankets, stuff animals, books, whatever they could get a hold off. So, I bought them a new toy, a soft book.

I put it a bit further away from them so that they could not just reach out to it sitting where they were. Their attention immediately were captured by this new toy. While EY was attempting to reach the toy bending her body extremely flat, HY dived forth-ward and landed her cheek in front of the soft book. Quickly, she rolled onto her back and grabbed the soft book and started to play with it. EY could only watch since HY got the book. EY was sitting by HY's legs and looking at the book eagerly with her little mouth open, breathing heavily "hu, hu, hu", arms open in the air pointing at HY.

HY didn't quiet know how to handle the book. She flipped it around and around and all of a sudden the book felt out of her hand and landed by her toes. Wow, as soon as the soft book fell out of HY's hands, EY was ready to take process of it. She immediately grabbed the book and pressed onto the pages to make noises. She was so happy!

HY knew she lost the book. She turned around and looked at sister play and just sucked onto her fingers for comfort. She attempted a few times to reach out to the book but EY had a good grip on it. HY even tried pulling EY's arm but EY was stronger and brushed her hand off right away.

After EY played with the soft book for a while, poor HY was just watching. I told EY to share with HY and took the book from EY and put in front of them again, to give HY a chance to reach the book. Well, EY was fast! She got to it again! Well, I should have bought two of them, saying to myself :-P

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