Tuesday, November 24, 2009


EY and HY have many nicknames given by different people. Our favorite ones are Peanuts. When they were born at Good Sam, the NICU nurse Vickie called them little peanuts. Sure, they were tiny little babies compared to the other NICU babies. The Youngster dad was particularly fond of the name Peanuts. Grandma started to call them peanuts after Dada kept on telling everyone the Peanut story.

Once they came home, I came up with another nickname out of blue. One day I was laughing how HY aimed her little mouth towards the bottle, just like a little bird going for the food bird mommy got for them. Her poppy seat was like a little nest for her. Since then, I couldn't stop calling them little little birds. Their voices were very gentle. When they cried, it sounded just like the little baby birds chirping.

EY is one minute older than HY. So, mama has been calling EY "Jie Jie" and HY "Mei Mei". It is just a Chinese way to call the older sister and younger sister. I use it so much that they may thought those were their names.

There are more nick names: Grandma called EY "The older one" or "The bigger one" and HY "The younger one" or "The smaller one".

"Beautiful" --EY, "Graceful" -- HY
"sweet peas" -- both of them

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