Thursday, November 26, 2009

Fuzzy Day

We were lazy the night before last night and didn't wake up the girls to feed them at 10pm and all four of us went to bed instead. Well, the girls were off the schedule and woke up at a different time. I ended up waking up earlier than usual to pump and had to wake up again to feed the girls in less than an hour. A long day started at 1:30am. The worst of all, they were fuzzy all day.

HY decided only burp if she was held up onto my shoulders. Imagine how many times a day you could lift up a bag of 15-lb rice and held it up walking around. By the third feeding, usually around 1pm, my shoulders were sore and my back was hurting. HY's lung was nicely exercised by screaming. Mama was not able to meet her needs holding her after feeding because EY needed to be fed as well. I tried to change her from station to station (Bumbo seat to Exer-saucer) but she still cried her lungs out. At one point, I was afraid the neighbor may call the police on me because of that. Never the less, I found no tears on her cheek :-P

In the other hand, EY seemed to be quieter except that she would not eat her food. I tried to change feeding positions to get her to eat but she just wanted to talk and stick her finger in her mouth, didn't seem to be interested in the food. She might be trying to tell me to burp her again but she already burped two to three times. By the time she got tired, she fell in asleep with the bottle in her mouth. You think she was drinking still because her mouth was moving like she was sucking. Ten minutes later, the milk was not going anywhere. It was still the same volume inside the bottle. She tricked me! Then, I had to change her feeding position, wake her up to eat. It took 90 minutes to finish feeding her the bottle.

By 4:30pm, I was dragging and falling in asleep feeding the girls. EY saw me closed my eyes while holding her bottle and she laughed. I didn't even know she got her mouth off the nipple! That usually only happens to Daddy who watches TV at the same time he feeds the girls. I started to talk to EY and told her that Mama was tired. EY replied with her cute little baby talks and then gave me her killer blink. You know how the melting power that blink could be. I think a lot of boys are going to be in trouble in the future. I gave her a big fat kiss and imitated her blink. She cracked up. She thought she was the only one knew how to blink like that, haha. Her sister HY does the same blink which she gains Mama's kiss all the time! Then, I forgot all about the sore shoulders until I hit the bed at 11pm, ohh mine!

Lesson learned: Do not skip a meal for them and do not get off the schedule! They don't like it. Neither do I :-P

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