Friday, February 3, 2012

Potty training

I could not get myself to write about potty training for the longest time. But now, i would give it a try. Why was it so hard to talk about? Because it was an exhausting experience and even thinking about it sometimes it would stressed me out, haha.

Before the girls turned two, about 20 months, we tried cold turkey and spent three days no diapers at home but WY and I were not able to catch the girls' clues right before they needed to go. So many accidents that we concluded the girls were not ready net. We would try again when they turned 2. When they turned 24 months, WY and I were the ones who were not ready to do the big tasks again. We had a trip planned for Seattle in August 2011, so, we decided to do training after we came back. However, EY were ready and a few times that she told me that she needed to go pee and she would go to potty. After the trip, I told EY that she was a big girl and she didn't need to wear diaper if she were willing to go potty. She agreed and we started to do it that way. No stress at all. She was trained in 3 days! We were shocked and how easy it was. Ever since EY's potty training, I paid more attention to EY. I changed my strategy to get one down first then the second one. EY liked that I gave her attention and understood her verbal communication which was in a fast track developing. She grew attached to mommy. On the other hand, HY used to be mommy's little girl, became daddy's little girl. She went to daddy for attention and only wanted daddy at night. That was a new dynamic in the family from the potty training.

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