Saturday, February 18, 2012

Feeling better?

Our girls are learning how to speak quickly day by day. They repeated what we said then they tried to find a chance to use it right after. Sometimes they made you laugh but sometimes they shocked you and warned you to watch what you said, and sometimes they just melted your heart.

I caught a cold from daddy who proberly caught that from the girls. I have not been this sick ever since I had the girls. I had to even sleep during the day and could not watch the girls. Luckily gong gong was helping. I told the girls that mommy was not feeling well and there was an "au-ie" in my throat, pointing at my throat to show them. HY said, "mommy, HY kiss kiss?" she leaned forward to give my throat a kiss. I was so touched. I told her that mommy felt better already after her kiss. EY saw what happened so she gave mommy's throat a kiss as well. That was what I did when they had a "au-ie". Now, they learned to do the same for mommy. That was so sweet.

When I wake up from a nap, EY came up to me and asked " mommy fet butter?" Staring the sincere and serious look on her face, I scratched my head and tried to make sense of what she just asked. She saw me not responding, so, she repeated it once more. The light bulb in my head lit up. She was asking me whether I was feeling better! Wow!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

What did you just say?

That was the second day of Chinese New Year, the year of dragon. We were driving home from dinner with GongGong. HY were sucking her thumb sitting in the back row. All of a suddenly, she pull her thumb and said" mommy, I want to be a doctor." then, she put her thumb back and falling asleep. Wy and I we're shocked what came out of this 2.5 year old. Did she know what she were talking about? I told her if she studied hard and got into medical school, mama would work hard to support her. She was just 2.5!

Potty training part II

HY was curios about why EY were doing at the potty. She would come to the bathroom to watch EY but she would not do it herself. Once a while she would sit for 10 seconds then she got back up and wanted her diaper back on. I was not ready to do cold turkey with her. We were going to wait till she showed interst like EY then we would go alone. But GongGong said one learned and the other one must be ready. GongGong insisted not to wait and just start training HY. He initiated the process but taking off HY's diaper and let her run around without diaper. He told her that if she wanted to go to school, she needed to know how to potty. If she would not do so, she would not be able to go to school and EY will go to school by herself, and she would have to stay home. The idea of not going to school and not going with EY was frightening and it did motivate her to attempt sitting on the potty. But, she would not tell me when she needed to go. I had to constantly remind her and take her to the potty. She had so much accidents that I was tired and exhausted at the end of the day. Every night I would prayed that God would help HY to click and got the idea. I was able to quit after the first week. But, she started to show a little progress. Instead of 5 to 6 accidents, it came down to 2 or 3 times. Then, at the end of second week, only #2 accidents. By the third week, she was ready to tell us as long as she was not distracted. It was the longest 3 weeks! We were glad that they didn't need diapers no more. I was so thankful for god's support during that week. All the hard work were worthy at the end.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Potty training

I could not get myself to write about potty training for the longest time. But now, i would give it a try. Why was it so hard to talk about? Because it was an exhausting experience and even thinking about it sometimes it would stressed me out, haha.

Before the girls turned two, about 20 months, we tried cold turkey and spent three days no diapers at home but WY and I were not able to catch the girls' clues right before they needed to go. So many accidents that we concluded the girls were not ready net. We would try again when they turned 2. When they turned 24 months, WY and I were the ones who were not ready to do the big tasks again. We had a trip planned for Seattle in August 2011, so, we decided to do training after we came back. However, EY were ready and a few times that she told me that she needed to go pee and she would go to potty. After the trip, I told EY that she was a big girl and she didn't need to wear diaper if she were willing to go potty. She agreed and we started to do it that way. No stress at all. She was trained in 3 days! We were shocked and how easy it was. Ever since EY's potty training, I paid more attention to EY. I changed my strategy to get one down first then the second one. EY liked that I gave her attention and understood her verbal communication which was in a fast track developing. She grew attached to mommy. On the other hand, HY used to be mommy's little girl, became daddy's little girl. She went to daddy for attention and only wanted daddy at night. That was a new dynamic in the family from the potty training.

Approaching preschool

I could not believe that it was one year ago when I last blogged. It has gone by too fast to capture and record their milestones. Before they turned two, I thought to myself that the girls didn't get their mommy's talkative personality at all. Why? Other people always commented that our girls were quiet and didn't like to speak. I were asked why our girls were so serious that no smile or words came out of them. After they turned 2 years old, things began to change. Our girls were chatty box at home with me, still quiet with strangers. But, once they warmed up, they would try to get you to play with them. They started to recognized familiar faces and remembered names of our friends. Certainly, they enjoyed playing with their cousins and friends now. EY liked to followed Tyler and Catherine while HY liked to just watch but played on her own. They loved chasing after the older cousins. They laughed so hard while they were running that they often ran out of breath.

They spoke in chinglish a lot. Such as I want "nai nai"(milk). It turned out that I caught myself speaking chinglish as well. Oh well, sometimes i forgot and could not find the Chinese words for everything so I mixed my languages as well.

I gotta say that our girls hair grew longer now that I could braid them. They were so so cute with two small braids in the back. I felt that my girls did grew when they were willing to sit down and let mommy braid their hair. It was a strange feeling. A good one. A moment for a mother To cherish. Just like their hair, they grew taller and heavier. They are no longer infants. They are toddlers who are approaching preschool! Time flies.