Monday, October 18, 2010

Ohh trouble!

It has been a lot time since I blogged about the updates on our girls. As I typed, they were destroying a paper back story book. One of them torn a page accidentally and both found very fun to tear each page off and then tear each page up. I found it was awfully quiet over there at the corner of the coach. But the time I discovered the destruction of the book, it was too late. What did I do? Well, might as well let them go on. If I were to stop them now and there would be two screaming and crying babies. I chose to let them continue the event while I got a few minutes to blog.

The girls loved to climb after they mastered walking. They were climbing onto their highchairs despite we put them not to and put them into the penalty box. You could tell them were so proud of their new discovered skill and they were fearless. Both of them managed to climb up the highchairs and turned around to sit on it then climb back down. They also liked to climb onto their trains and cars and stood right on it like the acrobat doing balance act. They certainly experienced the accomplishment when they successfully stood up high. You could see them looking for audience for their performance. I tried to keep a straight face when I saw them and told them to get down to avoid falling. Inside of me, I could not help cracking up and being excited for their new development.

What else they did to get themselves in trouble? Tip-toeing to reach to the dinning room table to get the stuff at the edge of the table. Trust me, they almost pull the plates matt off with plates, bowls and folks. They successfully retrieved newspaper, mail, wallets off the table. Now, they were challenging the sole table which was even taller than the dinning room table.

They had this little chair from their cousin a month ago. They at first would only ignored it then sat on it. Now, they have been using it as a stepping stool to get up to the sofa. They were thinking and planning. First they put the chair right up the sofa then one leg stepped onto it to elevate their body, arms grabbed onto the sofa cushion, the other leg reached the top of the sofa, arms pulled and their little body hopped onto the sofa. They did it quick!

That is it for now!

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