Monday, September 13, 2010

Gong Gong is here! Play time outside!

Gong Gong is how our girls would call my dad. It means grandfather in Cantonese. Three days out of the week, Gong Gong comes over to help me take care of the girls so that I could do some house tour. They have a routine with Gong Gong. After eating yogurt in the morning, Gong Gong takes the gilrs to the neighborhood park to play. Swing, then slide then playing on the grass. They always have the whole park to themselves. The other kids don't come out until the afternoon.

After all the activities, they get tired and Gong Gong strolls them back and they usually falls in asleep in the stroller. After lunch, Gong Gong takes out one more time. This time they only run around the park and watched other kids to play. It is too hard for Gong Gong to keep track of the girls while there are other kids there. Then, after they got tired, nap time again.

Gong Gong leaves around 4pm every time to avoid traffic. HY always cries and walks towards the door when Gong Gong leaves. EY clings onto my legs instead. They are so used to the routine and when Gong Gong says let's put shoes on and go to the park, the girls get very excited and cooperate to get shoes on and strap into the strollers.

Weekends we don't have the same routine, they usually gets fuzzier and we call that "melt down", haha!

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