Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Too much fun, don't want to sleep!

The first night, the girls were able to fall in asleep pretty soon on their new bed because it was way passed their bedtime after we set everything up.

The second night, EY was able to fall in asleep after a few rolling back and forth. But HY seemed to have tons of energy left and she just wanted to play. I put her down and she quickly rolled onto her tummy and crawled towards the edge of the mattress. At first, she kinda lost her balance by crawling into the landing pillows. Her face with the very moist lips landed first then her two hands. She was surprised by the softness and unevenness of the surface that she got to so she paused to make sure she didn't fall. After a few seconds, she figured she was stable then she pushed her legs forward. Now, she got her legs hanging on the mattress and hands and face on the lower landing pillows. Just like a sea seal, she paddled her legs and arms to "swim" down to the floor. At one point, her head was so heavy and she simply slide down the top of the pillow. Once her face hit the carpet, she knew she successfully got down to the "water". She crawled out of the mattress area as fast as she could like I was after her (I was just sitting there and watching to see where this little sea seal was going). She headed straight towards the door. I wondered whether she would crawl outside if the door was open. So, I got up and tried to pass her to open the door for her. She thought I was playing catch with her. She was giggling and speeding up to rush to the door. Of course I got there first and open the door and she crawled straight out with out hesitation.

WY and grandparents were in the living room talking. When HY crawled out into the living room, everyone was surprised and HY was so proud of herself for her "successful escape".

You thought she would be tired then and would go to sleep soon. Yes, but, not after three more escaping attempts then she finally rubbed her eyes and sucked her thumb to sleep. During her second escaping attempt, I didn't open the door for her. Once she arrived the door and it was not open, she got up and started banging on it. EY got woken up so I opened the door to let her exit to ensure the sleeping beauty was not disturbed.

By the time HY got tired and fell in asleep, I was beaten up as well! A very good night sleep for both of us :-)

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