Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Diving seals

On the third night, we got two baby seals full with energy when it was bed time. EY quickly learned that HY was having fun diving off the mattress and her escaping game was exciting. While she was sleepy, she struggled to be awake and joined her sister HY to the fun adventure.

They laughed when they landed the pillows off the mattress and chocked up in laughter while they raced each other to the door. Since they both were awake, I kept the bedroom door closed. They got up and started the banging on the door. They loved the loud sound that it made and they got supper excited. At once point I was concerned that they might fall backwards standing because they were just way too hyper.

I grabbed them by under their arm pits and dropped them back onto the mattress when I saw no ends to the door banging. They were kicking and screaming in the air and once they touched the mattress, they were in action again. They regained their balance by getting back on their tummy then looked around for the edge of the mattress. HY was the first one started to crawl towards "the water". Then, diving into the pillows, paddling to navigate among the pillows and finally slipped off and onto the carpet. Here came EY after seeing what HY did. Even though it was just her second escape attempt, she was quite efficient. Within 5 seconds, she got down as well. HY already started her attack towards the door and EY closely followed. They would paused to look back to see whether I was after them. Even though I kept quite and didn't make a move, they speed up as if I was tracing after them. These two baby sea seals were just so funny.

Laughter and banging of the door went on for 30 minutes, finally they were tired. Once they showed sign of sleepiness, I moved them back to the mattress and they fell in asleep. I fell in asleep next to them as well. After all, it was tiring to put them to bed. The routine was not working for me. Got to think of something to slow them down to get into the sleeping mood.

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