Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Diving seals

On the third night, we got two baby seals full with energy when it was bed time. EY quickly learned that HY was having fun diving off the mattress and her escaping game was exciting. While she was sleepy, she struggled to be awake and joined her sister HY to the fun adventure.

They laughed when they landed the pillows off the mattress and chocked up in laughter while they raced each other to the door. Since they both were awake, I kept the bedroom door closed. They got up and started the banging on the door. They loved the loud sound that it made and they got supper excited. At once point I was concerned that they might fall backwards standing because they were just way too hyper.

I grabbed them by under their arm pits and dropped them back onto the mattress when I saw no ends to the door banging. They were kicking and screaming in the air and once they touched the mattress, they were in action again. They regained their balance by getting back on their tummy then looked around for the edge of the mattress. HY was the first one started to crawl towards "the water". Then, diving into the pillows, paddling to navigate among the pillows and finally slipped off and onto the carpet. Here came EY after seeing what HY did. Even though it was just her second escape attempt, she was quite efficient. Within 5 seconds, she got down as well. HY already started her attack towards the door and EY closely followed. They would paused to look back to see whether I was after them. Even though I kept quite and didn't make a move, they speed up as if I was tracing after them. These two baby sea seals were just so funny.

Laughter and banging of the door went on for 30 minutes, finally they were tired. Once they showed sign of sleepiness, I moved them back to the mattress and they fell in asleep. I fell in asleep next to them as well. After all, it was tiring to put them to bed. The routine was not working for me. Got to think of something to slow them down to get into the sleeping mood.

Too much fun, don't want to sleep!

The first night, the girls were able to fall in asleep pretty soon on their new bed because it was way passed their bedtime after we set everything up.

The second night, EY was able to fall in asleep after a few rolling back and forth. But HY seemed to have tons of energy left and she just wanted to play. I put her down and she quickly rolled onto her tummy and crawled towards the edge of the mattress. At first, she kinda lost her balance by crawling into the landing pillows. Her face with the very moist lips landed first then her two hands. She was surprised by the softness and unevenness of the surface that she got to so she paused to make sure she didn't fall. After a few seconds, she figured she was stable then she pushed her legs forward. Now, she got her legs hanging on the mattress and hands and face on the lower landing pillows. Just like a sea seal, she paddled her legs and arms to "swim" down to the floor. At one point, her head was so heavy and she simply slide down the top of the pillow. Once her face hit the carpet, she knew she successfully got down to the "water". She crawled out of the mattress area as fast as she could like I was after her (I was just sitting there and watching to see where this little sea seal was going). She headed straight towards the door. I wondered whether she would crawl outside if the door was open. So, I got up and tried to pass her to open the door for her. She thought I was playing catch with her. She was giggling and speeding up to rush to the door. Of course I got there first and open the door and she crawled straight out with out hesitation.

WY and grandparents were in the living room talking. When HY crawled out into the living room, everyone was surprised and HY was so proud of herself for her "successful escape".

You thought she would be tired then and would go to sleep soon. Yes, but, not after three more escaping attempts then she finally rubbed her eyes and sucked her thumb to sleep. During her second escaping attempt, I didn't open the door for her. Once she arrived the door and it was not open, she got up and started banging on it. EY got woken up so I opened the door to let her exit to ensure the sleeping beauty was not disturbed.

By the time HY got tired and fell in asleep, I was beaten up as well! A very good night sleep for both of us :-)

Monday, June 7, 2010

eating snack

Remember I mentioned how silly they were when they tried to put the snack in their mouth but ending up sucking and eating their whole hand? I proudly announced that they have mastered that skill this week.

This was how HY did it. She used the right thumb and the second right finger to pick up the snack piece, then, moved towards her mouth, then, she let go of it so that the snack would land on the middle of her hand. Then, she slowly moved her hand across her face until the snack dropped into her mouth. She learned not to let lose the hand until she felt the snack in their mouth. I gave her a cheer after each success.

EY used the left thumb and the left second finger to pick up the snack and then rotated her wrist to put the snack in her mouth. Her success rate was not as high as HY because she didn't have any safety net to ensure the snack piece from falling off her tongue and fingers. She manged to get in a couple of more tries :-)

share a bed again

We let the girls share a twin mattress after 6 months of them sleeping in their own crib. They loved it. They loved to cuddle each other. They both liked to roll next to each other and put their little face on each other. The firs night, they rolled all this end to the other end then back. They rolled into each other, then, giggle then rolled away. They learned to get off the mattress by crawling and rolling but not getting back onto the mattress. It would normally take 15 minutes for them to play with each other before they got tired and felt in asleep. Guess what we found? They fell in asleep with their backs leaning on each other. Two hours later, HY had rotated 90 degree and she was holding EY's leg for comfort. And, EY's nose was on HY's tummy. That was so so funny!

HY rotated a lot through out the night. Sometimes we found her in different sleeping positions every hour. There was one night she woke up found herself way far from the mattress and of course woke us up to help her to find her way back. EY was doing something funny as well. She had to lean onto a pillow or her sister or one of us to fall in asleep. Once she did, she would not change. But, once she woke up, she would be looking for sister. Tonight after hearing a cry from the room, I went to check on them. I couldn't find EY at her usual spot. It was dark in the room and I could tell she was not on the mattress and she was not at the among the landing pillows at the end of her side of the mattress. Where did she go? She was crying and standing next to HY who was in deep sleep at the other side of the mattress. EY managed to got off the mattress, and, walked passed all the landing pillows to get to HY.

I hope they would learn to sleep through the night soon now they sleep next to each other and keep each other company. At least that's my hope, hehe.

new bed

Ever since the girls mastered the skill of getting up from lying down position to sitting up and standing up, every time we put them down, they would stand up and shake the crib. They got way too excited and didn't want to sleep. EY refused to lay down. When she woke up in the middle of the night, she would cry and cry and shake and shake. Somehow HY learned that from EY so we would have two crying babies standing in their cribs refusing to go back down to sleep.

Yes, they ended up in our bed for a couple of weeks or longer. I could barely rest when the babies were next to me. They threw their arms right on your chest in the middle of the night. They got up and dropped their little heavy head right on your eye socket. They pulled your air like it was their toys. They kicked your tummy and back that you had no room to avoid.

Yes, a queen size bed could not fit four! We decided to buy them a mattress. A twin mattress. When they get older, we'll buy them a bunk bed. For now, they sleep on a mattress.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Two sick birds

Both girls got sick last Monday. That was why I didn't have time to blog at all. HY had high fever and developed a pneumonia. Later the week EY came down with a high fever as well.

Fever, coughing, fuzziness, throwing up, crying - also meant a lot of holding, walking, and feeding. It was harder than when they were 1 month old because we were not used to getting up to feed them every 2 hours any more. They were 2 hours off schedule of each other so I felt like I just finished one and finally laid down and the second one woke up. When they were younger, we set their schedule. When they were sick, they set our schedule :-P We called in my dad two days last week and today to help taking them to the doctor and holding them. Yeah, another pair of hands were very very helpful!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

HY is sick again

It has been three days that HY started to have a temperature. At first I thought it was because of her teething. But, the fever went up to 104 degree and she was throwing up, I called the doc at night and a nurse called back saying that she likely had a stomach virus which called the high temperature. We should just try to keep her hydrated and give her Tylenol if the fever is above 102.

Today is the third day and her temperature is not going away. At least it was between 101 and 102. I gave her Tylenol when it was above 101.5. She looked very very week with higher than 101 degree. She threw up when I gave her the Tylenol last night. She gagged because of the sweetness. She could not take pedialyte because it was too sweet as well. So, I decided to dilute the Tylenol with water before giving to her. She took it OK that way. Poor little baby had glossy eyes and warmed body. She was too weak to play with sister. In the morning she was better but by the afternoon she was just tired. It hurts to see her being sick.

What was the hardest part of parent hood? Not the lack of sleep, the helplessness that comes with your child or children's illness was the hardest. That leads to the sleepless nights and endless worries until she recovers then you can breath, eat, sleep and live normal again.

So, please pray for little HY. Thank you.