Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Where are you going, EY?

Here is the "conversation" WY had with EY:

"EY, this way, come to Baba." WY waving at EY who was in her crawling position between the sofa and WY's reading chair. EY looked at WY and smiled and started to push and move.

"EY, where are you going? Baba is this way, over here, please come here, I'll hold you if you come." Well, EY was trying her best to push with her arms and kick her legs. She was moving, just in a wrong direction. She couldn't crawl forward but she could push backwards. She wanted to go forward but she was going backwards instead. She thought she was moving because she still got a big smile on her face looking at Baba.

"EY, what's under the sofa? you are going into the sofa? Can you fit? your butt won't fit, don't try, come back out? Ohh mine, you are able to got your butt in? Don't go in more, you'll hit your head? Opps, you can't move? Here, this way, push yourself out, come on, this way! Wait, wait, wait, let me help you out." WY had to rescue EY because she managed to push her body underneath the sofa and got her butt stuck and not able to move neither way. She was quite confused on what was happening and the corners of her lips were starting to point downwards which meant she was about to scream and cry. That was when WY went to get her out of trouble.

Yes, that's EY's adventure lately pushing backwards. It was just funny how she didn't seem to know she was going further away from us or she just simply wanted to stay away:-)

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