Monday, July 12, 2010

What's in your mouth, EY?

It has been a real battle about EY picking up the smallest dirt on the floor or rug. From smallest size of 1/4of a rice grain to largest size of a piece of tissue paper, as long as she found it on the floor, she put right into her mouth. We have to watch her every time she became quiet, because, when she was quiet, often, she was concentrating to pick up the dirt or garbage, or trying to figure it out whether to swallow her new snack or not. Maybe she was hungry, not really, we could just fed her and she refused the food from the bowl and found herself some other "food" to eat.

In averge, I had to use my fingers to get the surprised food out of her mouth. She learned to bite her gum together tight not to allow my finger to grab the dirt. Sometimes she got mad and just bit my fingers. She didn't have any teeth yet so it hurt a bit. I hope I don't have to do that when she has teeth!

Yes, we vacuum and wipe the floor daily now but she still finds goodies somewhere who knows how :-(

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