Tuesday, July 20, 2010


We think EY must be teething because today she was sucking the empty bottle all day - off time was eating time, nap time and exercise time. Otherwise, she was holding it all the time. If I took it away, she would protest and refused to behave. Of course I gave in. Just let her have the bottle if that helped her feel better during the teething time. She was relatively quiet all day because she was busy sucking air out of the bottle and didn't bother to fight with sister HY. She felt in asleep easy during nap time because she sucked and sucked and got tired and fell in asleep. I hope she would get sick of it soon. I tried to give her the pacifier but she didn't like it. She went back to the bottle. Well, we can't wait to see EY's new teeth :-)

Monday, July 19, 2010

"Vandalizing" the kitchen cabinet

There was one cabinet in the kitchen filled with the girls no longer used bottles, frozen food trays, bottle caps, paper bibs, ect. One of the baby center article mentioned it would help to satisfy their curiosity by allowing them to open one kitchen cabinet which filled with safe for children stuff. Well, it surely helped. They girls would go over to the kitchen to vandalize the cabinet. They sure took everything that they would reach out of the cabinet and examined every single piece of it and then left them all over the floor.

WY and I always had paper towels on our hand to wipe after the girls' drooling on the floor. Guess what, the girls learned how to wipe the floor. They took one of the paper bibs out of the package and started to wipe the floor. That was hilarious. They wanted to be our little helpers :-)

Most of the time that they would just stay with that cabinet because they knew that they were allowed to have excess to it. Not the rest of the cabinet. EY and HY always could not stop their curiosity and attempted to open the cabinet under the sink. I had to tell them no, and got them out of the kitchen. I also needed to deepen my voice when I called their names so that they would know they were in trouble. Guess what, they did know. When I had a straight face on calling them to stop crossing the limit, they would smile and made their "hehe" sound trying to be sweet to make it up. Man, little babies, they already knew!

Play house

The girls got a few new toys for their birthday. One of their favorites was the play house. There was a little door bell in the front and they quickly learned how to press it. It was so cute when they said on the little seats inside the play house. They loved to kick the seats while sitting and laughed. The play house fit them perfectly. Not too big and not too small. They had plenty room to move around and passed each other. They could stand inside and hold onto the house. That really encouraged them to stand up and walk with support. They loved to stand in front of the window slot and play peek-a-poo with me. They even figured out how to open and close the door after they entered or exited. They also liked to throw some blocks or plastic vegetables inside the house to make loud noises. So much fun with the play house :-)

sucking the empty bottle

It was strange that both EY and HY started to suck the empty bottles after they finished their bottles. At first, I thought they wanted more milk and I would refit the bottle for them. But, they didn't want the milk, they purposely not to till the bottle so that they were just sucking air. EY did a lot more than HY. I think HY did it because she saw EY doing it. Anyway, EY has been sucking the same empty bottle for the past hour and she was still doing it. Maybe she liked the sound of sucking air out of the bottle?!

Monday, July 12, 2010

What's in your mouth, EY?

It has been a real battle about EY picking up the smallest dirt on the floor or rug. From smallest size of 1/4of a rice grain to largest size of a piece of tissue paper, as long as she found it on the floor, she put right into her mouth. We have to watch her every time she became quiet, because, when she was quiet, often, she was concentrating to pick up the dirt or garbage, or trying to figure it out whether to swallow her new snack or not. Maybe she was hungry, not really, we could just fed her and she refused the food from the bowl and found herself some other "food" to eat.

In averge, I had to use my fingers to get the surprised food out of her mouth. She learned to bite her gum together tight not to allow my finger to grab the dirt. Sometimes she got mad and just bit my fingers. She didn't have any teeth yet so it hurt a bit. I hope I don't have to do that when she has teeth!

Yes, we vacuum and wipe the floor daily now but she still finds goodies somewhere who knows how :-(

new home

It has been a while since I last blogged. Yes, we have moved. Our new place has a big family room and our girls love crawling all over it. They crawl very fast now. Each crawling step forward was solid. They banged their hands on the floor very hard while they crawled. That made a loud and rythmatic marching sound as they raced towards something. They were fast now. Once they wanted to get to something, they took off and they arrived to the target so fast that sometimes I was not able to interfere on time.

They could stand up while holding onto funitures. Sometime this weekend, both of them were stable enough to stand on their own letting go of their hands. So, hopefully, they could walk soon.

They have been sharing a twin mattress together since we moved. They adjusted to the new home very well. It was funny that they liked to cuttle and kiss each other before they slept. Despite they screamed, yelled, pinched, and pulled each other during the day, at bed time, they were very sweet to each other. They put one leg on each other's body and grabed each other's face towards their own face. One of them would get sleep first and got into the sleeping mode. I usually had to stop the cuddling so that they would have some space to fall in asleep. After a couple of hours, when we checked on them, they usually rolled back to next to each other. Sometimes I would fine EY holding HY's leg while she was sleeping and HY was sucking her finger as usual. It was so cute and funny to watch :-)